Marielle J. Maxwell 

The most important aspect of being an attorney is to be a true advocate- to listen and really understand what clients are seeking and to do the utmost to achieve their objectives efficiently, professionally, and ethically. It is inherently stressful to even be in the position to need to seek out an attorney and the legal system can be complex, confusing, and time-consuming. It is my goal, at all times, to make the process for my clients as smooth as possible and to provide them with effective, efficient, and compassionate services that suit their needs.

After graduating from the University of Washington School of Law and passing the bar, I started my career in law representing clients in public accommodation, employment, housing, and government services cases. In the Wahington State Federal Courts, I have successfully litigated complex cases, negotiated favorable settlements, and honed valuable skills relating to design standards, program requirements, design, and compliance relating to the Americans with Disabilities Act, Fair Housing Act, and the Rehabilitation Act. 

At Holmquist and Gardiner I continue to use the skills I cultivated in the federal sphere to advocate for my clients in landlord and tenant law as well as business disputes and estate planning.

Outside of work, I enjoy Tabletop RPGs, soapmaking, skiing, hiking, polymer clay sculpting, and nail art. Currently, I am exploring the art of embroidery. 

    • University of Washington School of Law, 2018 | Seattle, WA

    • Washington State University, 2014 | Pullman, WA

    • Washington State Bar Admission: May 2019

    • Practice in Western District of Washington: March 2021