Webinar: Year-End Business and Real Estate To-Dos

Holmquist & Gardiner, PLLC’s monthly webinar reaches its year-end episode. To celebrate the success of the previous webinars and the holiday season, we are going to feature partners, Imants Holmquist and Hamilton Gardiner.

Join us for a discussion with Imants and Hamilton regarding important issues to consider heading into the end of the year.

Our presenters will cover the following topics:

  • Entity Maintenance

  • Lease Issues

  • Insurance

This webinar will be helpful to decision-makers and advisors in property management, business strategy, finance, and accounting.

Join us for a fast-paced session serving up the information you need to avoid pitfalls and capitalize on opportunities.

Click here to register


Webinar Recap: Year-End Business and Real Estate To-Dos


Webinar Recap: The Legal and Title Considerations of Boundary Line Disputes