Celebrating 15 Years of Success and Community: A Look Back and Exciting Future Ahead

Business, Landlord / Tenant, Real Estate, Webinar Holmquist & Gardiner, PLLC Business, Landlord / Tenant, Real Estate, Webinar Holmquist & Gardiner, PLLC

Webinar Recap: What’s Ahead for Seattle’s Office Market and Office Leasing?

As we approach the final quarter of 2020, commercial tenants, property managers and landlords continue to monitor government orders, economic trends and financial realities. In our latest webinar, we took a look at what’s ahead for Seattle’s office market and office leasing.

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Business, Landlord / Tenant, Real Estate, Webinar Holmquist & Gardiner, PLLC Business, Landlord / Tenant, Real Estate, Webinar Holmquist & Gardiner, PLLC

Webinar: What’s Ahead for Seattle’s Office Market and Office Leasing?

With the pandemic continuing, a recession underway and an election in the offing, there’s no shortage of trends and developments affecting the commercial real estate sector. In the fourth installment of our webinar series on Sept. 10 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m., we provide an update and outlook on office leasing.

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Firm News, Landlord / Tenant, Real Estate, Webinar Holmquist + Gardiner, PLLC Firm News, Landlord / Tenant, Real Estate, Webinar Holmquist + Gardiner, PLLC

Webinar Recap: Residential Real Estate Transactions and the Pandemic

Usually in mid-August, the Puget Sound residential real estate market slows a bit as people take advantage of the last long days of summer. Not so this year. Velocity is as high and the buyers who are in the market are highly qualified and very motivated to buy.

However, the selling process is a little more challenging thanks to health and safety restrictions and requirements.

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Landlord / Tenant, Real Estate Hamilton Gardiner Landlord / Tenant, Real Estate Hamilton Gardiner

August Update: Renting in Washington During COVID-19 – Landlord Resources

Nearly every industry has seen an effect since the novel coronavirus pandemic hit Washington State. Making and receiving payments for housing are near the top of the list. In addition, the Washington State and City of Seattle moratoriums on evictions have halted landlords’ ability to remove tenants who do not pay and refuse to find a workable solution for payment.

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